Saturday, September 10, 2011


For my masters project in Bournemouth University(2010- 2011) I wrote a plugin for XSI which creates muscle on joints.This plugin was written in python.
This tool creates first property page which asks the user to give joints name and amount of controls neededfor creating one muscle with user specified name. On creation of the muscle it creates second property page which has the editable properties of the muscle created.The muscle's start and end point can be shifted and volume can be controlled and linked with joint specified with given axis. Separate volume control is added which enable the user to animate the muscle's volume with key frames.

                                      Tool with muscle presentation when it reacts with the skin.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Skin sliding over muscles

The above video shows that the vertex stays in the same position while muscle moves under the skin. It can be seen from front view that vertex stays in same position and in other three views vertex deform on movement of muscles.
A detailed study was done for my personal study project to see the behaviour of skin when the muscles move under the skin. It was observed that when the muscles move under the skin, it does not sticks to the muscles. It stays on the same position and just slides over the muscle. A small test was done to see the behaviour of skin when the muscle moves under it.

The Host

This was a project from Bournemouth University(2010-2011) and was done by four students.The main aim of this project was to match the 3d world with live world. My role in this project was to rig the main alien character and to model,texture and rig the environmental(set) inside the human head.  The pipeline of this project was followed in Maya, XSI and Houdini.

Rig presentation of alien

Set Textured and Modelled 

Detailing of the set

Set Rigger

Head modelled to match the shadows and outer structure of the set.

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2010)

In this project, my task was to rig the monster and help in the process of human deforming to a monster.
For human deforming to a monster, the first step needed was its veins growing all over the hand and the face. To achieve this, I wrote a script which extruded the mesh over the trees of veins created from curves. The script created separate attributes for the excursion and maintaining the radius of veins, which made it easier for the animators to animate the flow of  veins forming on hands and the face.
I also rigged the monster with its huge wings and tail . Many secondary controls were added to the wings  to show its secondary motions of wings flapping in pain. Its shoulders were given special attention in rigging. Many secondary joints were added as scapula,chest and deltoid to get deformation near to realistic movements.

Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back Poster MOVIEmeter SEE RANK Down 809 this week View rank on IMDbPro » Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back (2010)

In this movie I was handling the flow of rigged characters in the pipline for animators ,Lighting artists and effects department. I was handling rigging of some environments and editting the rigged characters to fill in the requirements of Animators.
For the lighting artist I wrote a script in which they could adjust the specular higlights in the eye with timeline. In the script they specified the character's name and the control was made which was connected to the texture map of Eye_Specular. So with the movement of the Control they handled the eye specular.
In this project I had a greate experience in which I learned how the characters were handled and given a good deformation without using any BlendShapes with help of joints. This project took me forward to explore Mel(Scripting Language) and Explore the world of LINUX.

Zokkomon (2011)

In this project(Feature Film) I handled the rig of Zokkomon's model which was used in some shots which were not safe for the child(actor) to do. This model was digitally scanned and was heavy model to rig. A low poly model was made from the digitally scanned character so that it could be easier for me to handle its Rigging.
After the rig was done it was transfered to the high poly model.
In this model the most time consuming and valuable experiance for me was to maintain its Deformations of cloth near the shoulders and other parts. These deformations were handled with help of Blend Shapes and extra added joints. Many of such deformations were handled in ZBrush which helped me to bring its movements near to realistic world.