Friday, September 9, 2011

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2010)

In this project, my task was to rig the monster and help in the process of human deforming to a monster.
For human deforming to a monster, the first step needed was its veins growing all over the hand and the face. To achieve this, I wrote a script which extruded the mesh over the trees of veins created from curves. The script created separate attributes for the excursion and maintaining the radius of veins, which made it easier for the animators to animate the flow of  veins forming on hands and the face.
I also rigged the monster with its huge wings and tail . Many secondary controls were added to the wings  to show its secondary motions of wings flapping in pain. Its shoulders were given special attention in rigging. Many secondary joints were added as scapula,chest and deltoid to get deformation near to realistic movements.

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